Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 6, 2018

The horror film to the extent that the actor must also scream for fear

The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist - a monument to horror films - was directed by William Friedkin based on the documentary The Fear Of God about an exorcism.
Director William Friedkin's ability in the horror world has been clearly demonstrated through The Exorcist. He always tries to make the scenes as authentic as possible to give the audience "terrible phobia."
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At the start of shooting The Exorcist, the temperature at the filming site was kept to a very low level, just like the scene of a real evil room. The cold caused the actors to shake and breathe out the smoke, making viewers feel horrified.

The most popular scene in the film is the vomiting of the child actress Linda Blair, the demon child had vomited all breakfast in the face of the exorcist (Devlin) (Jason Miller).

It is thought that the nozzles attached to her eyes would spray the bearded dumplings with bean paste on the actor's chest, but the fact that the vomit landed in Jason Miller's face made him mad at him. I do not like tofu soup.

Alien (1979)

The most frightening and obsessive scene was the scene where the alien monster ripped open the chest of the astronaut.

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1979 was a time when the filming technique was poor, but the effect of the scene was so real that even the actors of the movie were scared of dying from the idea of ​​something coming out of the movie. real chest.
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For the most realistic footage, John Hurt, the bad guy astronaut who was pierced by a broken chest, used the pig's organs. Other actors did not come close to filming to make sure everything was up to them, and the staff who were standing nearby also had to wear rain gear to avoid being shot in the face.
The filmmakers expressed "humanitarian" by spraying a small amount of fake blood at the start of the scene to familiar actors and less afraid. But after that blood splashing and splashing out all cause everyone to "cry out". After finishing the segment, the actors have to take a break for "recovery", "recovery"

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The Blair Witch Project (1999)

The Blair Witch Project is a first-person film, which means the actors must make their own films. The three actors were equipped with cameras, some personal items, and told each other the location of the meeting, then left in the forest.
Although said to have been "left behind", the director and crew often followed him for surveillance, occasionally making strange noises to scare the actors. To make matters worse, the crew reduced the actors' food to make them ragged, hungry.

The director also recorded the children's laughter and turned it loudly when the actors were sleeping, shocking them. After eight days filming in the forest, the actors vowed to face the place until old.

Forget about "50 Shades", here are three hot scenes are listed in the "rare"

"Sex" is a subject who is big and must also think, but not everyone dares to say. That's why the filmmakers have "changed their minds to talk" of how many people boldly mentioned this topic. However, in the midst of all kinds of hot films, not all works are impressed enough to capture the attention of the viewers, not just the 18+ scenes. fire mats "alone and boring.

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1. Lolita (1997)

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Standing between the lines of art and lust, Lolita still makes critics have a "headache" after two decades.
The two main characters in Lolita (1997) are one of the most controversial themes in the history of filmmaking. This scene has been rated as "pedophilia" and somewhat unsuitable for the culture at that time. However, the film is also highly praised for its multiracial, universal nature of love as possession and selfishness.

2. Anatomie De L'enfer - Hell's Body (2004)

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Anatomie De L'enfer (2004) is filled with nude scenes of two characters. The scenes in the movie violence so that the viewer must "blush" embarrassed. The film's director, Catherine Breillat, is also well-known for such sexually oriented and romantic films.

3. Combien Tu M'aimes? - How much do you love me? (2005)

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The film is about François solitary and heart disease, who can go to heaven at any time. The first thing Francois did was to hire the Daniela sex bomb at a very high price. The movie possesses daring but unscriptural hot scenes that contain many deep messages about love and loneliness.

After the first week of release, the World of Terror "pocketed" hundreds of millions of dollars

According to official news, the movie The Terrible World: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has surpassed $ 150 million worldwide. Although this is a pretty good number, but this sequel to the World of Terror is still a long way to catch up the legendary shadow of the dinosaur movie itself with $ 1.6 billion. Anyhow, starting with $ 150 million in its first week of release is also a good start to the fall of the United Kingdom.

Doanh thu phim Thế Giới Khủng Long sau 1 tuần ra mắt

According to box office records, the World of Terror: The Falling Kingdom has grossed $ 151.1 million on 48 countries, excluding China and Japan. >> watch hateful eight online
Drama World Terror: Kingdom of the Fall, according to official information the manufacturer has invested $ 170 million. So the movie can be considered on the way to success and become a box office king opening for the summer series. The first part of the World of Terror has earned $ 300 million only in China and Japan, so the revenue leap for this summer's dinosaur film is quite wide open.

Unlike the initial fears of the critically acclaimed film Critics of the World, the theme for the prehistoric warlike bloodthirsty movies online for free full movies is still well received around the world. World Crisis: Kingdom of the Fall is still promising to become the dominant box office during the summer "hello". Based on the initial success of The Crisis: The Fall of the United States, it's not impossible for a movie to reach $ 1 billion worldwide.

Up until now, the World of Terror: The Falling Kingdom is stable at 62% on Rotten Tomatoes. Although not as bad as some reviews from the professional, the film also hard to catch up the "hot" of the previous.

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The Crisis: The Kingdom of the Fall is being screened in movie theaters nationwide.

The billionaire should also be "hot" if the imitation film "burning money" this type ...

Though it may be that you've seen the movie, but have you ever wondered if the item or activity from the movie was real, how much would it cost?
Let learn how to "burn money" how new life to be like movie!

1. What is the one-year tuition fee at Hogwarts?

Để mà học được ở Hogwart thì điều đầu tiên cứ phải là "Tiền đâu?"

This question is definitely something that any Harry Potter fans would question. Some Potterheads ("Harry Potter fans") have tried to do "some simple calculations" by taking a year's tuition fee from a UK base, plus some magical items such as magic books, telescope, cauldron and even ... a magic wand to mark a one-year tuition fee at Hogwarts. The result is £ 43,000, equivalent to the one-year tuition fee at this magic school.
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2. How much did Bella and Edward spend for the wedding?

According to the Twilight novel, the vampire family Edward Cullen had to spend up to 20,000 dollars ... only for the flowers at the wedding. That's not to mention the $ 1,500 (US $ 1,500) orchestra, $ 120 ($ 120) and the wedding cake ($ 800). The $ 38,000 wedding is not worth mentioning at all, as the Cullen family is richly flirtatious, but with Bella's girlfriend there is certainly "a problem".

3. How much does it cost to host the opening ceremony for the Baby Games?

Say it squarely enough to spend nearly $ 580 million to hold the opening ceremony for The Games (The Hunger Games). Based on real-life metrics, for the annual Christmas Games, Snow's administration has spent nearly $ 100 million on the opening ceremony of the sacrifices, and an additional $ 480 million again on a beautiful dome stage for the rehearsal (the cost is on par with a stadium that Beijing will build for the Olympic 2022).
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4. How much does Bruce Wayne's "Batmobile" cost?

According to statistics in comics, the most expensive Batmobile is the 2004 2004 $ 1 million and the cheapest is the Batmobile of the 50s: $ 13,604.

So whoever dreamed of owning a private Batmobile, at least make sure you have enough money to buy ... a whole bank!

5. How much money do you need to make an Iron Man suit?

Showed the DC Batman then can not be told through the billionaire Marvel home - Iron Man. The Iron Man is no less close to his bright red armor, even better when the average amount of money to make such a suit falls into the $ 104 million range, equivalent to a heavy F-35 combat helicopter.

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6. How much does it cost to create a Dead Star?

It is no wonder that the Star Cruises giant's Star Wars spacecraft is no stranger to many. Then how much money do we need to build a spacecraft exactly like that? Dr. Zachary Feinstein from Washington University, St. Louis tried to do a simple calculation to answer this question, and the results were horrifying, with an unending "zero" sequence: $ 193,000,000,000,000,000.

But not stop there, the amount to maintain such a Dead Star in one day is even more "horror", more than 30 billion billion more than the total sum of money on Earth, ie the range $ 78 along with 27 zeros behind it. Write that number too tired!

What is on the film should only leave it on the film alone, but to pull out a life is just like spending a mountain of money. Read that number only that the dizzy eyebrows do not say that the money out!

Disney's "big man" movie, but also funny little mistakes?

Although "big name" is the largest and most powerful film studio in the world cinema, but movies produced by Disney sometimes make mistakes that make the audience laugh when they recognize.

Ralph Dam (2012)

Soi sạn trong các bộ phim hoạt hình của Disney

Vanellope lost a jaw on his collision during a practice session with his friend Ralph. But the tooth "miraculously" again and stay the same until the end of the film!
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Lion King (1994)

Even Disney's classic works, there are quite a few bugs in it. In some Lion King scenes, Nala's eyes change from blue to green and vice versa.

Shrek (2001)

In a scene when Shrek and Luo sit by the fire, staring at the sky and talking about their marshland story. Shrek has a blink of an eye, but the strange left eye is blinking, the right eye is still open mindlessly horrendous ...

Lilo & Stitch (2001)

Soi sạn trong các bộ phim hoạt hình của Disney
Right from the start of the movie in Lilo's hula class. The two musicians play the yellow drums and have a belly-shaped figure in the middle. However, as soon as the scene changes, the music player on the right has to "change the new drum" completely different than the one he just held 3 seconds ago!
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Shrek 2 (2004)

When Hia jumped up in Shrek 2, the previous scene shows the sword stuck on the ground and Kai's Hia's boots are all stuck in a bare field of grass and rock. But in the next scene jump up a little higher, right next to the sword and shoe grow a tree again!

Tangled (2010)

Just before Flynn cut Rapunzel's gorgeous hair, his right wrist had no handcuffs. But to the next scene, an extremely sharp cuff appeared in Flynn's hands.

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Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Near the end of the film, Belle wears a small white apron with a bow tie around his waist. Some transitions after the apron disappear, then reappear later.

The more magnificent the film, the more easily omitted to lead to minor errors easily found by the bowels "soi" see. And even "big" movie villages like Disney also inevitably left the funny "ridiculous" for the audience. In addition to enjoying the film, sitting eye strain "picking up" is also an unforgettable fun of the movie fans!

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